
4th year of the PPC Santana 5km Walk & Run event

With almost 500 registrants, the fourth edition of this event, which is already a regular part of the company’s anniversary celebration, was once again successful. A popular walk/run equates to benefiting institutions. Registrations resulted in 163l milk donations to the Lar Doce Lar Children’s Shelter and 326 liters to the Pedreira Social Solidarity Fund. Santana is doing its best to support the good purposes and strengthen the team spirit.

And what to say about the event? It was a real party at 7 on a beautiful Sunday morning, in which employees, family, friends, and runners from the local and neighboring communities happily participated and attended the podium. This podium was made up of runners who had already been victorious since the first edition, Warmly welcoming the first place female and male employees, and satisfied to receive their participation medal, giving very positive feedback about the good organization and the pleasure with which they joined us in celebrating the company’s 83rd anniversary.

The photos give a good idea of the atmosphere. Here you can also see the video taken during the running event.

Two highlights of the edition earned a lot of praise: the inclusion of the section around Santana’s plant II on the route and the trophy created by the engineer Daniel Guerato, a colleague from the Project Department.